What exercices should i do to lose weight ?

3D render of someone using gym equipment

The exercises you do are very important, but there is not a secred formula. Maybe you heard many times before: "do abdomens exercices and you lose belly fat. That is very untrue. You have to do diverse exercise.

First of all you need some weight training. It improves your methabolism and you will burn more calories after that. Also, the amount of calories burned during a weight lifting training is very high.

Other benefits of weight lifting is that your body will be strenghten and it will have a much better shape. Even if you will still have a lot of fat, your body will look much better. [...]

How i categorize the food ?

As i said in a previous article, the nutrients found in our food are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and alcohool. The alcohool is very easy to separate so i will not include it in my categorization.

We have proteins, which is mostly found in meat, fats which is found almost everywhere except vegetables, and arbohydrates which is sugar and bread related foods.   I will try to make a better categorization so you can understand better. [...]